Payment for subscriptions, events, tickets and donations

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Payer's Details

Payers Names (First Name - Surname)
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Subscription/Activity/Event Term (Subs Only) Young persons Name (or family name for group events) Amount Payable (GBP)


Activity/EventAdults &
Children 5 and over
Children under 5Young persons Name (or family name for group events)Amount Payable (GBP)
Band Concert - Holy Trinity Church - 29 Mar - £9 (16+) - (under 16s free) - £9.00


ItemQuantitySizeYoung persons Name (or family name for group events)Amount Payable (GBP)
Explorers' Hoodie - £25 - £25.00

Other Payments / Donations

Description Young persons Name (or family name for group events) Amount Payable (GBP)
Grand Total (GBP)    
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